We help people leaders all around the world embrace the hybrid era and solve the biggest workplace problems.

From all-hands to bespoke series to peer-to-peer groups, we focus on year-round live experiences that build community inside organizations.



Lonely Plant

Building a sustainable future 

Together with the team of the world’s most iconic travel publisher, Lonely Planet, we are hosting Bluespine Sessions – a virtual interactive series to explore the future of inclusive travel and support learning and development for the global team.

“The Daily Planet has totally changed our way of working together.”
– Philippe von Borries, Head of Lonely Planet


Helping everyone thrive

Together with the Human Resources team at one largest financial institutions in the world, we built #ThriveLive, a collaborative series focusing on diversity, equity and inclusion, bringing together internal and external leaders and creating a space where everyone can show up as they are and have their voice heard.


Connecting a global industry

For the oldest and largest book fair in the world, Frankfurter Buchmesse, we established The Hof, a critically acclaimed live networking series to connect and empower the global publishing community and host inspiring industry leaders from all continents. You can sign up here.

“Networking at most virtual events is difficult at best. With "The Hof" the Frankfurter Buchmesse team has found the holy grail of networking.”
Paul P. Gerbino, President, Triumvirate Content Consultants

Why we do what we do

Community in the corporate world has to bridge the gap from KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to making people feel empowered, nurtured and listened to while at work. To build community in hybrid times, corporations need to build a connective tissue beyond physical spaces.

The pandemic years show increased efficiency, output and revenue for many companies, mainly because knowledge workers were and still are able to attend more meetings and work more hours. However, all the factors that nurture corporate culture and community – belonging, connection, inclusivity, to just name three – have crumbled since 2020, and eventually the effect snowballed, turning into skyrocketing attrition, aka The Great Resignation.

At Remote Daily, we are here to help. From all-hands to bespoke series to peer-to-peer groups, we focus on year-round live experiences that build community inside organizations.


We are proud to work with


Interested in learning more?

Let’s find out how we can support you taking the power of Remote Daily to your team, your community, and your organization.