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Remote Daily with Peter Van Emburgh

What’s the purpose of the office? with Peter Van Emburgh

Friday 15th, an interactive experience with live music, mindfulness and an important message: ➡️ how to create workspaces people want to work at? how to earn the commute of your employees?

Peter Van Emburgh has a very good data-driven(!) understanding of how many people really work in offices. He’s the Global Head of Real Estate at CBRE.

“There’s an example of a London office, where the employee’s commute is 2 hours, but 77% still come to the office.” 🤯

We’ll discuss:
* mandating people to come to the office – does it work?

* how to earn the commute of your employees: is the biggest office amenity that you can choose if you want to go to the office?

* how to create progressive workplaces where people want to work from and they thrive

& much more

💥 Join the exclusive Zoom room with the guest via the button below!
💥 Or join the livestream via
the LinkedIn event!

As the Global Head of Real Estate at CBRE, Peter oversees a global team delivering the (office) real estate of the future: the firm’s Workplace360 program has transformed over 125 CBRE offices into technology-enabled, agile workplace environments that have delivered over $100m in cost savings and have positively impacted employee engagement.
Recently, he won the CoreNet Global's Corporate Real Estate Executive of the Year at this year’s North America Summit, which is like the Oscars of real estate!

Tough questions and the right leaders to answer them, we will see you on the 15th!


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